Register your .pk and domain name 100% free in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and all over Pakistan. .Pk domain is ccTld (country code top level domain) for Pakistan, managed by PKNIC SRS. All top level, second level and third level .pk domain can be registered for minimum time of two years at the moment. You can register a domain for up to 10 years. Pk Domain gives you .pk domain free on signup of two years web hosting plan. Free .pk domain offer is not associated with any specific hosting plans, it’s applicable to all linux hosting plans, windows hosting plans, business hosting plans, reseller hosting plans and vps hosting solutions. Our free domain opportunity does not stick to .pk domain only, you can also get .com, .net, .org, domain free for life if you keep renewing your ordered hosting plan every year, you can also renew or transfer domain if you do not want to register a new domain. Our free domain does not carry any hidden charges, ICANN fees or any government taxes.
We are one of the biggest .pk domain and pknic prepaid card reseller in Pakistan and worldwide with 24x7 local and international support. Domain registration with us a peace of mind for you and you can pay via both local and international payment options. Being partner of PKNIC Gold Partner we can offer best .pk domain services for pk domain reselling or retailing. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question or query regarding domain or hosting.