.pk Domain Whois

.pk Domain Whois

Whois lookup helps in finding domain availability and ownership of the domains. It shows data present against a domain in whois database however there is no guartantee of that data to be 100% correct. Whois data is provided for the person who is registering that domain. As per ICANN rules whois database should store contact informaion of the owners of the domain along with billing and technical details. Most of the domain registrars offer whois lookup option for domains. For pk domains PKNIC holds whois records for all .pk ccTld domains.

Advantages of .pk whois Lookup

  • You can check ownership of domain.
  • Tells about avialability of domain.
  • Whois can be protected by privacy protection.
  • When domain is not registered you see it as available.

What is privacy protection?

Privacy protection helps users to protect to protect their personal data which includes name, phone, address and email from being accessible to gernral public who are searching in whois database. Privacy protection simply replaces your data with data of a company that protects your data from going public.